Hello People again...
I am just upset of some companies that doing anything for money! even to destroy humanity!..
Whoever Brought Lacost to Kuwait , Thank you! they got some nice Shirts! but aren't you suppose to choose the best that fits our culture?...
Here is a picture i took of an ad. on the street!!
I know how some people will say that I am over reacting... okay Green shirt and orange pants? MAYBE I could accept this on girls.. I mean young baby girls but MALEs?
Allah yahdi iL Thaalleeen!..
5/10/2007 9:48 PM
i dont mind those colors on guys, maybe its gym-wear... the guy's wearing trainers after all. but on the street yeah i'd agree with you to some degree. you can wear those colors but not in that combination, it needs to be toned down, like a black or white top with that orange, or something like that.
5/10/2007 9:49 PM
oh and welcome back dude. long time no post
5/11/2007 2:07 AM
i totally agree with u
oo especially in a society like ours where ppl are just followers,,, eltaqleed 3ala afa min yshel, 7elo mo 7elo qaled
and the ad... laish ya3ne
5/11/2007 6:41 AM
يا حلوه عصل .. بس الالوان تحفه
والله في شباب يحبون هالالوان .. بس روح المارينا يوم الخميس عجب العجاب
5/11/2007 11:35 PM
مافيها شي الالوان بس بسنع
5/15/2007 9:32 AM
@@ u r back !!
mashaalaaaaaaah eeeh enoor daaa
welcome back ..
i didn't get it ,ashoooof ena the outfit is ok but the male model is the one make'n it silly !!
the photographer mistake b3d 7ata el model mala thaaaaanb ;P
w it's a very daring color combination i think :D
7ada nice ur new template ..
feeeh flyn birds b3d kash'7aaaa ;D
5/20/2007 12:15 PM
wb :)