Updated on jiji post about the Kid in the Hospital

An update of jiji's http://zindagy.blogspot.com/2006/02/sad-story.html Sad Story.

Good news ....

I went to the hospital, spoke to the doctors.. wrote a letter to the minister signed by the doctors about his condition and social life and issues.

Today, I received a phone call that they approved to take him to Chicago for an operation hopefully they succeed and afterwards they close the hole on his throat. so He can Breathe normally again.

What I've heard, his mother keeps visiting him every now and then and leave some money with the nurse. at least she has a heart.

15 Response to "Updated on jiji post about the Kid in the Hospital"

  1. jiji Says:

    7emdillaaa eldenya leeeel7eeen eb kahir.. walla el3athem i can not tell u how happy i am right now :)

    walla lesany 3ajez 3an elta3beer.. jad jaad kafait ow wafait.. ur a true gentleman.. aw bila7ra a TRUE HUMAN BEING :)

    kila fe mezan 7asanatik ya rab ameen :)

  2. the11thmuse Says:

    omg!.. sij il7amdila.. THANK YOU SO MUCH for the update.. amma what you did it truly is amazing.. i really dont know what to say.. ghair thank you and god bless you

  3. Utmost-y Says:

    B mezaan 7asanatik ensahllah :)

  4. iDip Says:

    Thank you both for bringing this humanistic case to a good end.

    Allah ya36eekum 3ala gad niyyatkum.

    I can't say anything more, I'm speechless!

    (Hugging you both)

  5. Sloth Says:

    ya36eek alf 3afya :) o thanking jiji for bringin his story to life..

    gawwakom allah :)

  6. Mother Courage Says:

    May Allah bless your souls!

    i've just checked some of ur previous posts ,,, lovin ur blog , keep it up ;-)

  7. iliveinq8 Says:

    Thank you everyone for the prayers!!... But Serisouly!! What I did wasn't REALLY hard!! everyone can do it!! Just where is the Effort? ..... "Naghza" Some people enjoy going to resturants and watch people's eyes :P oo some others Can do useful things!! like jiji allah yejzaha khair!...

    All you have to do is, TALK TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE!!!!

  8. jiji Says:

    i didnt do anything.. i just told wut i saw.. ma7eb ashof thulm ow askit.. ow 7emdilla allah y7eb hal walad elly sakherik lah :)

    and thanx everyone :)

  9. DiiGMaa Says:

    yezaakom allah 5air.. allah ekather min amthalkom inshallah.. I'm glad to know there are so much others concerned with these issues... keep up the good deeds :)

  10. الاء سعود المجيبل Says:

    ya36ekom el3afyah fekom el5eer Oo el7emd lelah 3alla kel 7al..:>

  11. Ra-1 Says:

    very sad story :'(

    I live in Q8 ... yezak Allah kel khair

  12. iliveinq8 Says:

    diigmaa : il7emdellah - Nawar iL Blog.

    q8ya : again, il 7emdellah.
    ra-1 : Weyyach enshalah! Welcome back! you have been missed!!!..


    alla eshafy o e7afthina weyakom min il amraath ya rab

    sweetness I am in position where I can help inshalla - please E-mail me I wanna give u details I can handle kil shay paperwork o 7okooma stuff

    Pls e-mail tara walla tawny I check ur blog after commenting on mine :<

    Alla bless all :X


  14. teagirl Says:

    il7amdilla. Thank you for being human.

  15. iliveinq8 Says:

    thank you flow. very kind.