And you thought only Nawal Falls?

In Case you're Wondering how he fell.....

8 Response to "And you thought only Nawal Falls?"

  1. Angelo Says:

    YAY first one to comment!!

    a7em...well, I know that we shouldn't laugh but I have gotta to admit that was soooooooo funny. You can tell he is such a klutz LoL. God I'm sooooo bad!!

  2. Hashemy Says:

    loooooooooooooooooooool sij post momayaaaz 3ajeeeeeeb hahahahhaha ya36eeek el3afya hahahha

  3. chatterbox Says:

    توني اشوفها لووووووول
    اللهم لاشماته

  4. Wilted_Roze Says:

    hehehe 7araaaaaaam

    glad he is ok :/

  5. teagirl Says:

    Thats sad. I dont want anyone to post my faults online so I'd never post some elses..

  6. Eb9ara7a and his Wife Says:

    LOL !
    لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله
    ماني قايل : الله ما يطق بعصا
    بس عساها تكون رسالة المفروض يفهمها عالطاير
    او عالطايح

    انت طمنّا عن الصحة ؟ انشالله أشوه ؟

  7. Hussa-G Says:

    We need NEW post. ;p

  8. Utmost-y Says:
