Hot Hot Kuwait Hot Hot

25c My Dabba!! :p

Went to take my I-mate to fix it for the second time same problem!!! it was around 12PM thohooor 7ar khesa till i passed by this huge electronic sign where it shows the time and the tempreture!!! I couldnt stopped laughing !!! the reason is, my car says 44c !! and the sign ... well you see it!..

44C is what my car says! not 35c !!

I wish that الإصلاح الحكومي والبرلماني goes to electronic signs too!..... My God every block in Kuwait Needs that!...

Don't you think :/

16 Response to "Hot Hot Kuwait Hot Hot"

  1. Sloth Says:

    i miss kuwait :( i miss the 40+ C weather .. ehhhh lucky you !

  2. teagirl Says:

    I agree with sloth lucky you to even be there...I miss Kuwait.

  3. Utmost-y Says:

    My dabba? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL bada3ttttttt :p

    estghfer alllah el7ar khayaaal !!
    3ayal mn elsayara lai elbait akhtneg mn el7ar ;/ allah yaster 3ala end of july :s

    o wb ;)

  4. iliveinq8 Says:

    Sloth : I hope to see you in 4 years or so when you be stabled in Kuwait for Good!. meanwhile, I will keep wondering will you say the same....

    Laialy_q8 ; Chenna mo 3ajbich? laa goolay? :P

    Orange Juice : Khalleeha 3ala allah!..

    Photoflow : Same goes to you as it went to SLoth!.. but I'd say by next year inshallah you'll be in kuwait?.. betkheeeseeeeeeeeeeen :P

    utmost : you remained anonymous! no blog no posts nothing! i keep wondering who r u :P very intrestig personality and I keep expecting your comments everytime i post, My posts wouldnt be completed without you commenting in it!.. According to my BOST :/ ana mobde3 yubah 3aib agol my shisma :P oo by the end of july you will be melted! God Bless. oo thanks you ;) I hope am really back! so much going on.

  5. الاء سعود المجيبل Says:

    offfffffffff 5esaaaah men gaaalb !!

    :( ag3ad el9ob7 meshtahya yelfa7ny hawa 7elo mako kelah 7ar 7ar 7ar...

    allah ye3enah wallah...:(

  6. iliveinq8 Says:

    Q8ya : 3al doosh 3ala 6ool wana akhayyech.

  7. Shwaish Says:

    ee walla 25c ur dabba!!hehehehe ayshay and we do need those but only if they say the truth mo bass to piss us off by trying to convince us that heat we're melting from is really only 25c!!!

  8. SAJA.S Says:

    alhemd allah dawami 3an beeti just 5 min . .. and I always late ,,, ya3ni maa adri 3an al7ar ... wala ataAzam nafs alnas eeli dawamat hom b3edah
    bas it9adeg ... lama arooo7 gym ... yaweeeli ... 7aaaaaaar
    bas yallah allah ey5ali eteknolojya

  9. Hussa-G Says:

    LOL. Khosh jaw just 25c.

  10. Utmost-y Says:

    ookhh !! baiiiih walla eni kashkha bs maknt emgadra roo7e ;P
    thanks thanks , come visit me somtime :D

  11. iliveinq8 Says:

    sparkling princess : Maybe kharbana min el 7ar? :/ la nathlomhom ba3ad...

    Smile : wain sakna? eb sharg? :P shaklich modarresa oo baitkom yam el madresa heh.

    hussa-g : sheftay shloon! ham ared o agool yemkin kharbana , lel amanaa, 2 days later re7t eb 3ez el 7ar oo i found it right!..

    utmost : NO WAY? u start blogging? oo 7addich kash-kha!

  12. المحاميه Says:

    hooooot hooooot
    lahoooob tyeni abchya lama a6l3 men aldwam la glass tnfa3 wala 7maya wala shaaaaaaaaaaaay

    7ar 7ar 7ar :((((

  13. Sloth Says:

    I can't wait ! to come and get pinned in kuwait :(
    btw .. gool inshalla in 2 years not four 3alashan ma ante7er ..
    secondly .. just saw the weather in here .. its 24 degrees and they're asking the public to apply sun block ! lol .. allahoma la shamata :x

  14. SAJA.S Says:

    La wallah lani modaresa wal shai
    bas agdar agoolik ini mi sokan south surra Oo edawam yami
    fe man6agat wezarat ehnak .. etha ma tadri !!!
    bas 3ad ay wa7da ,,,, I dont know !! :)

  15. san3a_wa_laken Says:

    والله انا ما احاتى الا الكورس الصيفى

    حرام عليهم في هل صيف والحر نطلع كل يوم

  16. Drunk'n'Gorgeous Says:

    Baskum dala3 :P Are we desert people or are we desert people! This is child's play for us ;) Yalla chin up people! The sign is probably messed up from the heat lol

    P.S. Tawny chyfa Kingdom of Heaven again fa layl7eenee shawaya mitha2athra :P