Discovery!... ;/

Check this out...
How many of you thinks that what these 2 guys found in the forest is real?...

Click on Play then wait few seconds then hit pause till you download the intier video.. (3ashan ma ega66e3)

Here goes..

Do you Think its real?...

8 Response to "Discovery!... ;/"

  1. do0da Says:

    magool '3air you should get a copy of Lord of the rings =P

  2. albandry Says:

    well ana ga3d a6al3 o ana me`7tar3a min 3eer la adry sho elsalfa

    tethakart elfilm aaa project madry shesma
    benteeen 3 sbayan ra7oo el`3aba

    eee blair witch project

    loo a3aref 6alyani chan afadtkom sheygooloon
    chenna eshwai `7arbo6a?!

  3. الاء سعود المجيبل Says:

    ما اعتقد ان صج


  4. Aurous Says:

    I'm with q8ya

    I don't think it's real because you can see that it was edited not just one continued film

  5. Cr8ivia Says:

    cho cho cho :P no

  6. Manooya Says:

    7aseeta shy y5are3 fa ma tjara2t afta7a =\

  7. Mamloo7a Q8ia Says:

    الله يهداك مو ناقصين تخرع ويوهنا صارت بالطول من التخرع والله كانت ويوهنا قمريه ومن التخرع صارت طواليه وطحنا بجبودنا
    بس ما اعتقد السالفه صج

  8. Anonymous Says:

    laish ana 9adaaagt??? :( i5ariiii3!!