صورة جني الكهف

Good day everyone,

Do you remember the Gennie picture inside the cave? and How many stories you have heard about?

One of the stories, was about few guys in UAE went inside a cave, someone took a shot with his camera and all the sudden they all died! few days later, they found the corps's with no act of crime! also they found a camera on the floor inside the cave! later on they delivered the photos and they found this picture of the cave! and as a conclusion it was the last thing they did! took a shot of this dark cave and booov they all went dead mysteriousley! so basicly the Gennie killed them!

Here is the Picture of the Gennie!

This is the picture that spread few years ago! and many people believed it!..

Funny thing is, This creature is a Goblin! :/

Anyways, back to my point...

This Gennie is No where near Real Gennie! :/

here are some pictures I receieved by email that proves it.

See. the circle is the electrical fuse that give this gennie the red eyes :P

here is another prove.. ! heh

Well.. what do you think? :/

تظهر الحقيقة ولو بعد حين


3 Response to "صورة جني الكهف"

  1. teagirl Says:

    LOOOOL As if I believed it in the first place.. but this was interesting. Who is the guy in the last photo?

  2. iliveinq8 Says:


    Wasn't Me :P

  3. teagirl Says:

    Hey I got a favour to ask.. remember all those lovely images that you made using my photos? I need them, and the originals if you still have them. I mean I know I must have them on CD somewhere but going through several hundred CDs to find them is hard. My teacher wants to see them and I was hoping you can send me them via email :) Thanks!