Go Go Italy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ma A9addeg! last minute 2 goals puts Germany out of the final!! :) Am so happy! Not because i hate germany! its just something inside me hates it when the host country wins the cup! No taste !! :/



Good Luck to France on the final... Go Go Zizo and Henry :/

6 Response to "Go Go Italy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  1. Ra-1 Says:

    since the world cup started I kept telling everyone that my team will win! and inshaAllah it will :D Forza Italia :)

  2. iliveinq8 Says:

    DNA^Q8 : 3asa france enshallah :p
    Vintage : Merci.. :/ any recomendations for a dr. ? :P
    Ra-1 : I have to disagree with you! Go Go france! :P

  3. Ω Suki Candy Ω Says:

    hi i live in q8
    this is my 1st comment into ur blog
    inshala ialia tfoz mabi farnce

    3sch 3lgowa:)

  4. Honey™ Says:

    well ,, nsait taktib ib your post ,, ina ana il sibab bel 2 goals ,, cuz wayhe 5air 3laik :P
    wala nsait ;>

  5. Honey™ Says:

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  6. Ra-1 Says:

    ok enshoof :)