Please answer these Questions

1- All months has 28 days
2- 1 hour between all 3 pills. You will get one NOW then in 30 minutes the 2nd then after 30 minutes you'll get the 3rd and last. so in total 3 hours.
3- 70 because if you divide 30 by 0.5 each 0.5 will get 2 so in total 60, and add 10 to 60 = 70.
4- As I said, all died but 6. So 6 kherfan whats left.
5- Well, You need to light the Candle since it lasts long but first you want to light the match in the box to light the candle :) otherwise how would you light anything else? LIGHT THE MATCH 1st :)
UTMOST : 7addich thakeya mashallah!!! :/ wala wa7da 9a7!! :D ok maybe one
Abdullah The Smartest

Note : Comments are Moderated. I will show all comments within a week or 2.

Please Answer These Questions ASAP and Carefully! I will Evaluate you by your Answers. They are Easy Questions It will only depends on HOW you answer them.

Here Goes.....

1- Some months has 30 days and some others has 31. Which months HAS 28 Days?

2- If a Doctor Gave you 3 Pills and asked you to take One Every half an hour. How long does it take you between 1st and last pill ?

3- Divide 30 on half and add 10, whats the resault?

4- Farmer has 37 sheep, they all died but 6, how many sheeps left for the farmer?

5- You have a ONE match in it's box. you have entered a DARK COLD ROOM . In this Room, there is a wooden heater and a tourch and a candle, none of them is lighted.. Which of those will you fire first ( shino betsheb awal Dakhel el ghorfa) ?

REMEMBER - Comments are are not able to watch other's comments!!...

Good Luck,,,,


17 Response to "Please answer these Questions"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    1: all months
    2: 1 hour
    3: 70
    4: 6
    5: I hate using candles, so I'd get a battery powered lashlight first

  2. iliveinq8 Says:

    I gotta cancel the anonymous post allow!...

  3. Dawn Fairy Says:

    1- all months has 28 days.
    2- one hour.
    3- 30%.5 = 60+10= 70 :D
    4- 6
    5- el chabreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet hehehehe.

  4. SpiKeY Says:

    1. all of them
    2. 2 hours
    3. 70
    4. 6
    5. the match

  5. Jandeef Says:

    1. All months.

    2. One hour.

    3. Seventy.

    4. Six.

    5. Hmm interesting. I?ll say the torch.

  6. Utmost-y Says:

    1.all of them hour
    im smart , 9a7?:P

  7. don_veto Says:

    1) February has 28 days but 29 every leap year.

    2) 1 hour

    3) 25

    4) 6

    5) the candle

    Where is my prize ? :-)

  8. the tooth.fairy Says:

    First of all, I don't know why I sense trickyness in these questions .. Bss I'll go ahead and answer :P

    1) This one sounds tricky, so the answer can't be Feb., so I'll leave this one un-answered :P

    2) Mmm an hour?

    3)okay ehni basta3be6 eshwayya oo mara7 agol 25 I'd say: 3100 :P I devided the 3 0 and added 10

    4) ummm 6 ..?

    5) The candle .. if it was long enough, to light the torch and then throw it in the wooden heater thingy.

    oo bss ..

  9. the11thmuse Says:

    1- februaury not on a leap year
    2- 1 hour
    3- 70
    4- 6
    5- ill switch on the light, wear my jacket and give the match to my friend so he or she could light their cigarette then we'll decide what to do cause the cigarette light lights longer than the match. If we need to light something my friend will use his or her cigarette to light the match box on fire. c'est tout

  10. Hope Says:

    1. the 12 months has 28 days
    2. 15 hours
    3. 70
    4. 6
    5. The one match

  11. Delicately Realistic Says:

    1. Februaury, but every 4 years it becomes 29.
    But if this is a trick question, i owuld say all months have at least 28 days.

    2. 1 hour.

    3. 70

    4. 6! (hmmmmmmmmm)

    5. Tourch.

  12. Diver Says:

    1- all months have 28 days
    2- 1 hour
    3- 70
    4-coulldn't know exactly the answer, and because of that i will say 6
    5-the match

  13. Delicately Realistic Says:

    Ok o il answer?!?!?!

  14. iliveinq8 Says:

    Delicately realistic : excuse me? :P i answered them all! :D

  15. Anonymous Says:

    Wow! Is this a blog competition? =D 7asafa I'm too late...

  16. iliveinq8 Says:

    too bad you did cece :/

    and well done most of you guys :/ specially the ones who receieved these questions by email with a subject : FW: {Mo0oN-LiGhT} اختبار سريع جـداً

  17. Utmost-y Says:

    thank You !
    sheno bs one wrong ;P
    madre shlon kent fahmatha ;p

    zain plz plz abe gift . plzzzzzzzzzz ;p