Cocktail Questions

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I am famous! :/


Whats your favorite Restaurant in Kuwait ?


(The Reason I asked this question is, Because Lately and still I kept eating twice a day in a Restaurant!!... oo I can't STOP EATING!.. So i want to see if i missed something :/)

Do you like Scrambled Egg? if yes, Do you like Eating it with Ketchup?
(The Reason for this question, I HATE EGG unless I put KETCHUP and ALOT OF KETCHUP in it.. and through my experience with people almost 90% of people i know say YUK! if you DON'T or NEVER tried EGG & Ketchup Please try it!! just try it!)

27 Response to "Cocktail Questions"

  1. Chai-7aleeb Says:




  2. Anonymous Says:

    I recommend MAKI!

    And I did try scrammbled eggs with Ketchup but didn't like it that much. I eat it with fresh tomatoes =D

  3. Si7LeYa Says:

    اكثر مطعم احبه


    وثانيا سالفه البيض مع الكتشب

    ايي شغل عدل

    عجيب طعمه


  4. Utmost-y Says:

    mine is starbucks , and i consider it a resturant , kaifi :p
    ba3dain hmmm comes all ;P
    ive got favorite dishes mn wayed amaken so im not gonna name them all ;/

    try khobez o jeben bl bait ;D

  5. Moniker Says:

    One of my best friends LUVs scrambled eggs and ketchup.
    I never got turned on to it tho.
    I just dont bloody get it! lol.
    I only like ketchup on Fries, and burgers O bs.
    Besides...ketchup Smells :p

  6. iliveinq8 Says:

    Chai 7aleeb : e3zemni 3ala peacock!! each time i go there, i end up going back or whoever i go with changes his mind!!!!...

    cece : law tashabahat el athwaqo la barat el sela3oo 3oo 3oo! maki ha? read my comment below on princess. :D same Goes to u cece!

    si7liya : Laish 99.9% min banat el kuwait e7ebbon chilies? LAISH bafham!! akla 3aaaady!!

    Princess : Maki ya maki.. r u sure maki whats you like or the staff? :/ ok fine, maybe maki's the best japanese ma63am in kuwait :/ bas whats your fav. order?

    utmost : umm.. U got issues! allah e3eenich wallah!...


    Fushia spunk :
    hey comeon!! .. don't say that!.. its 6ome6oo for sure it does smells bas not that much that you notice it!! NOW try el egg bil ketchup plz!!.. :/

  7. الاء سعود المجيبل Says:

    هههههههههههه بدعت بالفلم اللي حاطه


    @!@ من صجك بيض وكتشااب وين صارت هذي @!@

    وبعدين انا ملاحظه عليك وايد تتكلم بالاكل ههههههه شكلك اكوووول خخخخخ كلنا بالهوى سوىىىى


  8. iliveinq8 Says:

    shakhbaary q8ya :/ min zeman 3annich! Nawartay leblogh :) shloonich yuba? long time... lel7een et7almeen wayed? :D.. 7ayyach allah. oo shasawi! 9aif oo 7ar! 6aye7la akil!

    tara ma jawabtay 3ala wala so2al ella el baidh! :/ shino ma63omich? shino 6alabich el mofathaal?

  9. albandry Says:

    go to burger boutique and order chezze slider
    or go to pickok and order chiken shiswan
    efff ya kerhek sa3balt
    also go to the irani restraunt in crown in frawania order sultani kebab
    kafi 3alik betemba6
    asta`3fer allah ketchub ma3a beeth leeesh

  10. um-miT3ib Says:


    Wht to order: 3eesa maki, fusion 1, rainbow w/o white fish w salmon.. salmon avocado salad min ghair salmon.. Volcano maki.. negimyaki..yara maki

    Who to talk to: old one- a7mad w ragab... new one- tawfeeq....


  11. albandry Says:

    wow aboooood the movie is so freakin funny 3adel mooody min seba7 all `7eer
    (ween 6e7t3aleehom 6ay7een 3alik)
    i hope u went to burger boutique

  12. Anonymous Says:

    My favorite restaurant in Kuwait is Friday's. I don't remeber my favorite dish though.

    As for the ketchup, I won't say Yuk;

  13. MiSs-ToFa7a Says:

    امممم اذا على المطاعم تشيلززز اوكي

    وعندك اذا تحب الاكل الهندي بخااااااااارى اوف اوف لا يطوفك

    واذا على البيض والكاتشب


    ما جربت بصراحه اكل بيض وكتشب

  14. Si7LeYa Says:

    (( LAISH bafham!! akla 3aaaady!! ))

    صراحه بالنسبه لي مو عادي

    عالاقل احلى من فرايديز وباجي المطاعم

    بالعكس احس ان نكهه الاكل وطعمه غيير ووايد احلى ولا مقارنه بينه وبين باجي المطاعم


  15. Bella Color Says:

    hehehe wow u r now our famous blogger ;)

  16. iliveinq8 Says:

    Mako ma6a3em yededa?

    btw, Burger Botique Kharbo6a! el la7am zafir! johny rockets WAAAAAAAAYED a7la menna, oo el7een ba3ad 6ala3 lina Burger Hub even better!!.. Seriousley I think i know more ma6a3em than everyone else! :/

    Anyways, Si7leyyoh entay o chilies malich! wallah mafeeh zood o mako taste a9lan! kella junk eb junk! same goes to fridays! bas fridays eshway a7la.

    today i ate in yum yum tree in the airport, was there to pick my brother.. o ams i ate in that japanese new ma63am in 9al7iya next to johny! my salary 6ar 3al ma6a3em ya nas :/ I need to chill mo gader! everyday wa7ed ye6la3li yalla ghada? yalla 3asha? oo ma agool la2 khoo!...

    mulan : LoL 3al movie :/

    merci everyone

  17. sOulvOice Says:


    هذا المطعم اللي يحضرني الحين

    وطبقي المفضل عندهم تشكن ليفرز

    يمي يمي خطيررررررررر

  18. Moniker Says:

    Hatha maluh da5al fil mawthoo3, but....
    Umm...why did you change ur display pic into a pen and paper?
    La2. Change it back.
    3ajbny el walad el 9'3eer. Mra CUTE :(

  19. iliveinq8 Says:

    fuchsia spunk : I've changed the whole interface 3ashanich bas :P

  20. um-miT3ib Says:

    your right.. Hashi (japanese rest. ele bilsal7eya) SAAAAAAAAAAALLLKKKHHHH!!!!! 7ata ana 6ar ma3ashy 3alaih :P bs u hav to admit their burger et3aqed

    *wonders y she ate a burger in a japanese resteraunt*

  21. iliveinq8 Says:

    um-mit3ib = EEE Hashi :p bas akla mo zood ! el sushi(maki) malhom 3ady wayed! thats all i tried that day.. oo el burger malhom ma jarrabtaa... enshallah ajarba next time.

    and yeah keep wondering because it doesnt make any sense :P

  22. Moniker Says:

    Aww..arent you a sweetie :p

  23. iliveinq8 Says:

    umm yes I am!

  24. No3iK Says:


    with eggs
    e i do even rice with ketchup ham 3ageeeb
    i love ketchup

    o i dont have a fav rest :)
    coz i dont like eating
    but i love the steak ili bl fanar
    mo 6abeee3i !!

  25. Conjii Says:

    My fav.. ( Mees Alghanim )..
    Order ( tekkah la7am )..
    I love Scrambled Eggs, But with Out Kitchup :S STRAAANGE :P i like it with honey ( Sometimes )..
    i think im gunna try, but 3moman im not that ketchup Fan.. ;)..

  26. um-miT3ib Says:

    7ada it doesnt make sense bs i didnt know wht to order w dagait 3ala okhoy galy il burger ;P it was really good

    *wondering why okhoy ordered a burger in a jap. rest. now;p*

  27. Anonymous Says:

    Try Ketchup with French Toast!!!!
    even Better than with scrambled eggs..
    3aFyaa ,, ga3nitkathaar eheheh ;P