Barbie is Pregnant Finally!!

I was checking my flickr and some foreigner added me, i checked his pictures..
And OMG!!! KEN GOT BARBIE PREGNANT!!.. After over 20 years!

Now, Would you buy such a doll to your daughter?..... Shame!

10 Response to "Barbie is Pregnant Finally!!"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Okayyyy that was funny ;P

  2. iliveinq8 Says:

    Moderator : He is a foreigner because I have no clue where hes from. and obviousley (for me) hes not Kuwaiti nor arabian! why is it OKAY for them to call us Foreigners and not okay for us to call them so? :)

    Fayoora : You know whats funnier? Ken's face!!!

  3. Яeema Says:

    yes i would buy it for sure !

    lemmy tell you this story , my daughter when i got pregnant she was very afread that they will kill me and open my stomach with a knife, after i told her in a simple way that the baby come from the same place the urine come out, she was happy 100% happy , and even she start to play pregnant mom , and she put the doll inside her t-shirt, and remove the doll from her short down hehehehehehe

    kids should know , and you have to explain it in a simple way, better than hiding and keep the head thinking all the time.

  4. iliveinq8 Says:

    Reema you're right in a way, but I beleive that Children Will know in a certain age not earlier..

    You are an expert you must know better though! am not even married yet. But again.... Pregnant barbie? comeon!...

  5. Maximilian Says:



  6. um-miT3ib Says:

    LOOOL!! weeh ma bagha !! gomt ashek ib qudraTa ka rayal!... their baby is gonna be HOT ! :P

  7. albandry Says:

    no i wont buy it its dicusting
    why open up the eyes on things they should be really innocen about it
    actually i dont like the whole barbie theme its ugly and translate the wrong perfect way of a girl
    but i know its only a faze and the girls move on afterwards but we have to be carefullabout it

    7ala !!!

  8. Spicy Pepper Says:


  9. iliveinq8 Says:

    albandary : you got a point there too... :/

    thanks all for passing by.

  10. الاء سعود المجيبل Says:

    weeeee3 @!@ shakelha gabee7!!!