Parked in the Aquarium, started cycling.. from Aquarium to Hard Rock Cafe... Then all the Sudden.... MY BIKE EKHTARAAB!
I hated myself! it was around 2AM. with my sweaty Blogger T-Shirt :p lol
Walking with a broken bike! that it's wheel can't move so i can't just hold the bike normally and walk! i had to lift the back wheel so it can drive with the front one! ya3ni It was a disaster... no..... was a tragedy!.. arrived at almost 3AM to my car! My bike! my bike! my bike!
I hated myself! it was around 2AM. with my sweaty Blogger T-Shirt :p lol
Walking with a broken bike! that it's wheel can't move so i can't just hold the bike normally and walk! i had to lift the back wheel so it can drive with the front one! ya3ni It was a disaster... no..... was a tragedy!.. arrived at almost 3AM to my car! My bike! my bike! my bike!
9/28/2006 6:41 AM
hehehhehe weeeeee maskeen kisart 5a6ry.. ashwa inah 3 ilfayer mo 3 il3a9ir chan 5ist :P
9/28/2006 8:02 AM
maynooon 9ayem oo gaary el 3a9r allah ehadach? :p waddeta e9al7oona tawi enshallah yet9alla7! elyoom lazim aroo7!
9/28/2006 9:37 AM
هذي عين ما صلت على النبي
Your BiKe سلامات وما تشوف شر
9/28/2006 12:42 PM
خطاك السو
9/28/2006 2:47 PM
خطاك السو
اي والله اشوه انها الفير مو الظهر
سوري والله بس السالفة اتضحك
تكبر وتنسى
9/29/2006 5:07 PM
weee weeeeeeeee weeeeeeee ..
b3d la etgool mn 3ainy ..
we didn't see ur bike .. taraa haaa ;D
hathaa w entaa very picky picky picky hehehe allah ya eny shamtanaaa feeeek ..
ma3 3laih 9aar weight liftn ;Pp
nice design 4 ur blog .. share7 waid mashallah ..
w ebarak 3laaik eshahaar ..
9/30/2006 1:03 AM
عاد انا بشتري قاري و قلت اكيد القاري الي انت شاريه زين
رحت حق الصورة الي انتحاطها و اخذت اسم القاري عشان اشتري واحد
الحين ابيك اطمني زين و ال مو زين
اشتريه و لا لأ
لان قاريك يديد