And you say why I hate WORD VERIFICATION

well Actually...
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7 Response to "And you say why I hate WORD VERIFICATION"

  1. Delicately Realistic Says:

    Sij ma yst7y Mr.WV (thats what i call him)

  2. teagirl Says:

    hahahahahahahahahaha.. i know who you were commenting on! LOL!

  3. iliveinq8 Says:

    yeah irab, its true! i kept writing WORD VERIFICATION right after each comment on your blog! :/ It was like a warning, I saw this comming hehe :/

    So you're happy huh? :p

  4. iliveinq8 Says:

    Delicately Realistic : Hatha wala shay :p ma sheftay shay wallah lol

  5. الاء سعود المجيبل Says:


  6. albandry Says:


    esh hal7ath elredi

    i hate them tooo

  7. Aurous Says:

    I hate them too @@