Annoying Habits

When was the last time your (Friends,Brother-sister,parents,mate,co-worker,...... elaakh) did something that annoyed you? Last week? Yesterday? An hour ago? Maybe whoever is annoying you is humming that irritating tune this very minute!

One of the most annoying things about annoying habits is that they don't seem all that important -- but they still drives you crazy! It's not abuse or abandonment, just annoyance. You should be able to shrug it off, but you can't. It's like the steady drip-drip of water torture.

When we're annoyed, we usually consider others inconsiderate, particularly when we've explained to them that their behavior bothers us and yet they continue to do it. It's not just the behavior itself, but the thought behind it -- the idea that they just don't seem to care.

But when our behavior annoys others, we soft sell the whole problem. It's just a little thing, we argue, so why make such huge case out of it? Why can't other people adjust?

Are you an annoying person? :-) Ever Managed to fix your annoying habit? how? Do you really care about others that you would or have changed an annoying habit?....

The Dream You Live For Is The Same Dream You Die For..

Music List

Dear Reader/s,

Please List 10-12 of your all time best songs Arabic List and English List!
Thank you in Advance

PS: No less than 10 please :-)

I will go 1st

English :

1- Wild World - Maxi Priest 2- Toni Braxton - Breathe Again 3- Gabrielle - Dreams
4- Take That - Babe 5- Ace of Base - Living in danger 6- Dido - Thank you.
7- Shaggy - Why me lord . 8- Snow - Lady with the Red Dress. 9 - Johnny Nash - I Can See Clearly Now. 10- BRYAN ADAMS ? ( Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman? 11- Michael Bolton - Said I loved you but i lied. 13- Bon Jovi - it's my life. 14- Aerosmith - I Don't Want To Miss A Thing.

Arabic :

1- عبدالمجيد - اتبعك
2- عبدالمجيد - أنا ما قد كتبت الشعر
3- عبدالمجيد - تغربنا تباعدنا
4- عبدالمجيد - تصدق الأحلام
5- عبدالمجيد - منت رايق
6- رويشد - وينك
7- رويشد - بعد اللي صار
8- رويشد - خسرتيني
9- رويشد - كثير اللي يخون الود
10- رويشد - اهي الأيام
11- رويشد - فاتني المغرور
12- رويشد - آخر حبيب
13- رويشد - رسالة
14- رويشد - ابيك
15- رويشد - الأول تحول
16- رويشد - اقسي علي
17- رويشد - صدقيني
18- رويشد - تصور

I guess i should have said 15 english songs and 100 Arabic songs! i dont think i can stop if i keep thinking and typing the arabic ones! ...

Suite yourselfs! keep going :)

Don't Try this At Home!

Well... My craziness has not stopped yet!...
I woke up at 1AM and decided to cook!
yet, what to cook?
Figured some qoozy sandwitch from Sultan center with Daqoos!
the thing is, I cannot NAME one time I cooked! and never got burned or no disaster happend!

Che... no, SHeeef Abdullah will show you the MODERN way to COOK! I call it, The Emkassar And Faneela Way!........

Don't Hate me people!!!! and don't stop eating :P

iL Sheef Abdullah Yatamma Lakom Wajba Hanee2a!


قوة شباب وشبابات :)
اليوم دخلت غرفة الكمبيوتر في بيتنا ولا اشوف عفسة مو طبيعية.. لأني قاعد انقل أغراضي بطلع من الجابرية صراحة تعبت من الزحمة :) بروح بيت يدي على الأقل يم الدوام!! الواحد يقدر يصحى من النوم بالـ7 !! بالجابرية لازم اصحى 5:30 قبل الزحمة :)المهم
حطيت اغراضي على الطاولة وقلت الا اصور العفسه
بعدين قلت بحط بوست وابي منكم تكتبون شنو اتشوفون بالصورة :) اكثر واحد يذكر شنو يشوف له هديه :)
also I would like to tag the most photographical people on blogspot :/
Ra-1 : Even though i can find whats in the picture min el7een! :P Candies Candies and more candies :)
Take a picture of 3afsa like wayed 3afsa with alot of stuff and post it :P

Have you huged someone today?

Hear me hear me! read me read me!
It's wondrous what a hug can do. A hug can cheer you when you're blue A hug can say, "I love you so," Or, "I hate to see you go."
A hug is "Welcome back again." And "Great to see you! Where 'er you been?" A hug can soothe a small child's pain And bring a rainbow after rain.
The hug, there's just no doubt about it -- We scarcely could survive without it! A hug delights and warms and charms; It must be why God gave us arms Hugs are great for fathers and mothers, Sweet for sisters, swell for brothers; And chances are your favorite aunts love them more than potted plants.

A hug can break the language barrier And make your travel so much merrier. No need to fret about your store of 'em; The more you give, the more there are of 'em. So stretch those arms without delay And give someone a hug today!
"Hugging is healthy: it helps the body's immunity system, it keeps you healthier, it cures depression, it reduces stress, it induces sleep, it's invigorating, it's
rejuvenating, it has no unpleasant side effects, and hugging is nothing less than a miracle drug.

Hugging is all natural: it is organic, naturally sweet, it has no pesticides, no preservatives, no artificial ingredients, and is 100% wholesome.

Hugging is practically perfect: there are no movable parts, no batteries to replace, no periodic check-ups, has low energy consumption, high energy yield, is inflation-proof, non-fattening, has no monthly payments, no insurance requirements, is theft-proof, non-taxable, non-polluting, and is, of course, fully refundable."
Look to your right, look to your left! is that your son? hug him! is that your daughter! hug her! oh is that your wife? hug her and tell her how much you love her(even if you don't :) is that your husband? hug him and tell him how much you feel save when his arms around you! oh its your father hug him!
Your mother! kiss her hand , forhead and hug her tight!....
Hug is a magical ! !

nose picking Special hug :/

Irfan View Image Resampling&Resizing

Dear Blogers,

Some of you facing trouble uploading their photos to blogspot or any upload site, Because of the size of it and its bytes. My friend Chatterbox seems to have this problem and I promissed her to give her the knowledge she needed.. (7elwa knowledge hathi).

First after Downloading and Installing Irfanview (make sure you click on IMAGES ONLY during instalations! so that any image you double click on it, will be opened with Irfan view. <-- Download page.

Here are the steps from 1 to 6 :) Enjoy and let us see your shots :)


Follow the steps above.
I hope you find this helpful.
-Abdullah B. Q.

Lost .. Pilot!:/

unable to Sleep cause of this Darn flu or whatever its cold! --- *No Details*

Anyways, Been messing with photoshop and thought of creating something..

If the idea gets much intrests.. I would actually make episodes! :/

Here is what I've done within an hour or so.

Click on the Picture to enlarge it.

1st Passport Picture...

Ee mar7aba kefkoom shoo akhbarkoom?..

Haydy 9oorat el basbor6 taba3i .. aw bil a9aaa7, awwal ba9boor6 lii..

I kinda feel that way when I see my picture :/

I Not only TAG you to do so, I also Dare you :-)

Everyone is Tagged :p

When I am Sick I begin to ask Questions!!!!..

Dear Readers...

I have some questions I need an answer for each..

PLEASE Concider on Answering at least 3 Questions!....

Let the game begin :)

1- If you wear contact lens and you died (ba3ad 3omr 6owel enshallah) with them in your eyes, do they take them out?

2- What sound does a bunny make?

3- Is the vice president's wife called the second lady?

4- Do you wake up or open your eyes first?

5- Excuse my Danish but.. Can a unborn baby fart or burp?

6- Why is there a little countdown (like 8, 7, 6, 5, 4) near the bottom of the copyright info page in the beginning of many books?

7- Are tomatoes fruits or vegetables? Really..?

8- How come lotion is colored, but when you put it on, it doesn't turn your skin that color?

9- hehhe How do "do not walk on grass" signs get there?

10 - You know petter pan, The charector Mr. Hook .. "What was Captian Hook's name before he had a hook for a hand?"

11- Why do we wash bath towels? Aren't we clean when we use them? Answer this! :P

Please answer at least some of these! for the answers are killing me! :-)

No more Mask Touch :P

Visited Photoflow's Blog, Found a cute red head little girl's picture! even though it was a shot of her back.. Well, I decided to create 2 twins of her.

here is the original photo shot taken by Photoflow

And the Magnifisent touch of mine (Madda7 nafsa) :-

Please click on the picture ^^ Above for a clearer view...

Let me know whatchya think of the 3 sisters :/

Junk Food جنك فود

أمس بالدوام ... يعنا .. رفيجي قال الغدا عليك .. وأنا كالعادة ما أقول لأ حتى لو امفلس ..

عاد اتفقنا على هارديز وانا ما أحب لا هارديز ولا اي جنك فود. بس كسر خاطري واهو يقول مشتهي مشروم!! لأني كنت مدمن المشروم مييل :)

نتوقف لحظات عن القصة عشان اقول ليش ما قمت آكل فاست فود (جنك) اني مووور

1- اللي يقول ماكدونالد انظف مطعم واحسنهم اقوله شوف (سوبر سايز مي) وكله جنك بجنك
2- الهرمونات والبلاوي في اللحم اللي ما يندره من شنو او اب شنو خالطينهم
3- الصراحة انا اقدم لكم معروف بهذا البوست لذلك اسمعوا وعوا
4- كل مطاعم الفاست فود خطره عليكم وعلى اعيالكم ومستقبلكم
5- سبب اني بطلت جنك فود . كل مرة آكل يصير فيني شئ غريب .. خصوصًا هارديز مثلاً :-
أ- نومتي تخترب فجأه!
ب- تسمم وعوار بطن
ج- أرق وتعب
د- ثقل وخمول
ه - الخ الخ الخ
6- أنا متأكد ان أكثركم يتفقون معاي بس .. ادمان ماكو فايده

نرجع لباقي القصة

طلبنا . زميلي طلب مشروم برجر ميل
وانا طلبت احلى وجبه لي (سابقًا) فحنيت عليها دام هارديز لا محاله .. روست بيف مع مشروم

35 دقيقه
وصل الغدا

ونحط وناكل

رفيجي خلص وانا وصلت النص

استغفر الله العظيم ..

عزكم الله .. تعرفون الحمامات العمومية او حمامات خاصة حق الهنود شلون ريحتها؟ اقسم بالله العظيم ان صار طعم أكلي هذي الريحة!!

رميت الباقي بالكيس ورحت اغسل واتفل اللي بحلجي


عاد قلت لزميلي .. ترى راح اتسمم ويمكن ما اداوم باجر. ضحك

والحين كاني منسدح بفراشي واحس مصاريني تحترق داخلي
والحمدالله دوامي اليوم تأجل الى 12 مساء يعني يمديني اتمتع بالعوار طول اليوم
الين تصير 12 بالليل

خافو ربكم يا أمهااات

كنت في كيفان .. برجر كنج .. اشتهيت جيز كيك اصف بالدور .. واشوف واحد شكله 20 سنه لكن اذا ركزت عليه بتعرف انه 12 14 سنه فقط.. يثل .. امديد امكرش فخوذه متهاوشه مع بنطلونه .. صاف بالدور ويطلب!!!

اللي يحر ان امه بره معطيته فلوس وتنطره بالمصافط!!

يعني عاجبج المنظر؟؟؟

يا ناس اذكر بالإبتدائي نادر ما نشوف واحد متين بالمدرسه!! ويكون حديث المدرسه كلها!!!! الحين 40 اذا مو 50 بالميه من المدرسة اوفر ويتد لييييش؟

جنك فود + مياه غازيه

اتقول ربكم في اعيالكم والله حرام!!

علموا اعيالكم واخوانكم السيطرة على شهوة البطن!!! والله المسئلة خطيرة
ادري اذيتكم بس من القهر والله!!
I am not against fat people! i am against OVERWEIGHTED people!

I cannot wait any longer! I want to know how that freaky girl shot that spoiled girl :/

I am " Lost " Addict!

Oh Dang! I forgot one single touch!

After I was done with this... I realized I forgot something.... Can you guess what?

UPDATED Newer one :

Latest Design

What do you think?....

What Can You Do With These Pictures? :-)





Well, I did this :-

The Question now is...

What might The Man in The Middle Be Saying???...

PS: The Mask is my new Design Sign so Ignore it :p

Not true! NOT TRUE!!!!!



They call you sticky fingers for a reason!

سمو الأرض...

Salem Sayar Did a great job on a poem called Sumo Al-Ardh.

Some FUNNY Guy Made a Poem same Salem's Style but Really Funny!!

Please Listen to the Original 1st then listen to this Fake funny Sound Clip..

Original :'.ram

Funny :


Let me know which is the funniest part of the funny clicp :/

Gnocchi 2 - JiJi Bo9' 9y!!

This is the menu where it says CHICKEN!!!

Maybe the only chicken i like is Twister :P oo Ma Akil KFC ella etha kent meth6aar !!!

Here is another shot

I am too weak infront of food! I was planning to Take pic's of the Dish! but as soon as it came!! I finished it :P lol