Lost .. Pilot!:/

unable to Sleep cause of this Darn flu or whatever its cold! --- *No Details*

Anyways, Been messing with photoshop and thought of creating something..

If the idea gets much intrests.. I would actually make episodes! :/

Here is what I've done within an hour or so.

Click on the Picture to enlarge it.

5 Response to "Lost .. Pilot!:/"

  1. ScarlO Says:


    You should post us something like this every week or two ..

    Good job :-)

  2. iliveinq8 Says:

    Laialy - oh am glad

    scarlo - Well, if i have the scenario!... I will try my best!

  3. الاء سعود المجيبل Says:


    3ajebaah..Go ahead..;>

  4. jiji Says:

    HIDIE!!! alllaaaaah!!! aby ashooooofaaaa!! reminds me ayam makint sghera ow ashofa el3aser ba3ad ma abchy lama mom kanat tro7 elGYM ;p (baaal 3alay athker ;p)

  5. teagirl Says:

    Now do one for Americas next time model.