Annoying Habits

When was the last time your (Friends,Brother-sister,parents,mate,co-worker,...... elaakh) did something that annoyed you? Last week? Yesterday? An hour ago? Maybe whoever is annoying you is humming that irritating tune this very minute!

One of the most annoying things about annoying habits is that they don't seem all that important -- but they still drives you crazy! It's not abuse or abandonment, just annoyance. You should be able to shrug it off, but you can't. It's like the steady drip-drip of water torture.

When we're annoyed, we usually consider others inconsiderate, particularly when we've explained to them that their behavior bothers us and yet they continue to do it. It's not just the behavior itself, but the thought behind it -- the idea that they just don't seem to care.

But when our behavior annoys others, we soft sell the whole problem. It's just a little thing, we argue, so why make such huge case out of it? Why can't other people adjust?

Are you an annoying person? :-) Ever Managed to fix your annoying habit? how? Do you really care about others that you would or have changed an annoying habit?....

6 Response to "Annoying Habits"

  1. Hussa-G Says:

    Sure many time. So ebl3 7aretek and move on. Life is short. Enjoy it before it says goodbye to you.

    Get over it E-son.

  2. teagirl Says:

    I can ignore anyone, if I'm trying hard enough. But if I'm tired and worried and someone starts to thump their feet or whistle I could literaly kill them.

  3. iliveinq8 Says:

    hussa-g : bal3at el 7arra mo9eeba :/ es2al khabeeer!!!! it has to explode somehow or mishkela wallah!

    laialy_q8 : playing with hair is perfectly human nature! allah yaster bedait a9alle3 :P madry shal3ab feh after my hair heh

    laialy_q8 again : eeh, was thinking of quiting chan arja3 :P

    Photoflow : thats what they call over the edge no? :) bas killing someone cause of tempre? ummm.. madry u seem sweet heh

  4. ScarlO Says:

    I'm very annoying. I try to adapt with people's habits to some extent. Sometimes they just keep going on and on with what they're doing. I hate to tell them that it annoys me, because I hate it when they tell me that I annoy them.

    I either pretend that it's fine, until I believe that it's fine, or just pretend that it's fine when they're around.

    How about you? Share with us ..

  5. Unknown Says:

    زيارتي الأولى لمدونتك .كل التوفيق لك يارب

  6. teagirl Says:

    blogs can be deceiving, major lol.